1. What are Newton’s popular laws?
2. Is radial clearance more important in a reaction turbine or and impulse? If so why
3. Boiler generates 5million pounds of steam a day of which 5% is lost to continuous blow down, calculate the total BTU’s lost. ( Water temp. is 400 degrees F.)
4. What is absolute Zero degrees F
5. What is a “dummy piston”, What is it’s role,. How does it function?
6. 2 different boilers, gas analysis give: CO 14.6, O2 8, Co, 0 use the same type and amount of fuel are there efficiency the same, if not why not?
7. Place a generator in parallel?
8. Perform and Over speed trip test on a large turbine feed pump.
9. What is the difference between a routine repair and repair as defined for by the National Board?
10. given: a 700 psi boiler, drum 36 dia,. length 24 feet, what code would you reference to insure that a blow off tank was sufficiently built to handle this?
11. After a repair has been made and inspected by the Authorized inspector what else must be done?
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